Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just Listen.

How come and why. We all ask these questions. Maybe because we want advice, maybe because we want help, or maybe it's because we think we're perfect and hate it when bad things happen to us. Human beings are NOT perfect nor will we ever be. Then why do we think we are? We know we aren't, but still we think God is punishing us for sinning against him. When in reality, he isn't punishing us, he is simply reminding us that we are not perfect, he is. Life is too short to waste on the things that make us mad. Maybe you should live in the moment. Life is a book. This is just a chapter in the past, don't CLOSE the book, just turn the page. I bet that someone who has died in a tragedy, someone who DIDN'T deserve to die, would kill to live the life you live. They would be so greatfull to come back, for one minute, just ONE minute, to tell someone their goodbyes, and tell someone they love them and always will. Just that one minute would mean so much to them. And you sit there, sulking in your depression, saddness, and anger, being ungreatfull to God and to yourself. Your never going to be happy again because your just sitting there, thinking about how UNLUCKY you are, when really, you are luckier than those people who died because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I bet if you went and told someone who died in 9/11 how unlucky you were because you were fired from a job or a car splashed mud on you or your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you, they would look at you like you were crazy and then laugh in your face. So why are you so sad? Why can't you just look up at the sky, fold your hands, and pray to God to help you have the strength to get through whatever your going through? Why don't you go outside, on a sunny day, sit under a tree, and watch. Maybe even meditate, or pray. Why is it so hard for you to get over yourself when people all around the world are dying of hunger and sickness who would be so greatfull to be healthy and very well alive like you are? How about you go in a room, close the door, turn off any distractions, cell phone, radio, tv, etc. And Just Listen.